About TD Tailor

TDTailor is an online based e-tailor. It is designed to provide our clientele with a new shopping experience.
TDTailor enables you to shop for your ideal Gentlemen’s shirt from the comfort of your home. Our tailored designer shirts are made ultimately by your measurement and design criteria.

Founded in 2016, the desire to enable everyone to design its very own shirt design at affordable prices, the idea of this online based tailoring service has emerged. Finalized in 2017, TDTailor launched online for the first time. Our intend to keep the website design simple and ergonomic for our user, we are dedicated in continuously invest our effort in making your shopping experience the most pleasant as possible.

About our exceptional service and products:

All our shirts come with a fit-guarantee. This means, at the unlikely event a shirt does not fit perfectly on your body, we will work with you in re-tailoring the shirt and updating the safed measurements to assure you feel comfortable in your new tailor-made shirt. The ability to review and safe your measurements enables you to amend your shirt collection at any time according to your desire; or simply add effortless tailor-made shirts to your wardrobe.

TDTailor enables you to create your very own, tailor-made collection of gentlemen's shirts. Don't miss out in being exceptional in your style and presentation. We are just a click away if you are having any questions on our service and product. Just click here and leave us a message.